Panchayati Raj and women's empowerment: an overview
In India, women make up roughly 50% of the population. In 1992, the 73rd and 74th Amendment Acts were passed, establishing the Panchayati Raj System in India. This approach offered democracy at the local level. Rural women in particular were not being given the attention they deserved during the development process. But the 73rd amendment of constitution made it so that women could participate in Panchayati Raj institutions with a third of the reservation. They left the four walls of their homes and played a significant role in the growth of nation-building, and gender discrimination also decreased. From that point forward, women had their fair share in policy making at all levels, and illiteracy among them could be decreased. They developed a greater understanding of their responsibilities and rights within the family and in society as a whole.
In the past and present, a number of women have held higher office in both state and national politics, including those of President of India, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Loksabha, Union Minister, Governor, Chief Minister, Member of Parliament, Member of the legislature, and local panchayats. In addition, numerous instances of women have been exploited as rubber stamps. Their male partners and his family are making the actual decisions. According to reports, elected women lawmakers are controlled by the political system that is dominated by men and reduced to representing their male relatives.
Key words:- 73rd amendment act, empowerment, panchayati raj, Women representation, women participation .
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