Gender Based Violence: Cause, Effect, And Efforts


  • Dr. Priyanka Gaur


Gender based violence is a problem in every country, in the world as a whole, there may be over a billions of women who have experienced domestic violence, from their husband or cohabiting  partner. Violence against women occurs throughout the life cycle from pre-birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood to senescence .This paper analyses gender based violence, inflicted by women’s husband or male partner. For many women, such violence is a regular occurrence, and is seen as normal by many women and men. The methodological approach for this paper is based on qualitative research methods of GBV related articles. The learned helplessness theory and the social learning theory were used to expound more on the GBV. Ten article were reviewing using the content analysis method. The main focus of the paper is alienated into four broad sections: such as

  • Issues and evidences of GBV in terms of domestic violence, sexual harassment at work place and dowry related violence;
  • Causes of violence which includes cultural, legal, economic and political factor that contributes a major role in occurrence of violence against women,
  • Violence has a long lasting effect on survivor and their families, Impact can be range from physical harm to long term emotional distress to fatalities,

   The paper recommends some possible solutions that we’ve come across in our own work to end violence against women and girls such as the government should create the facilities that help women experiencing GBV such counselling centres, funds that will help victims get rehabilitated. Government should invest in institutions like police and the judiciary so that victims are assisted. The community should also establish community social structure such as community group for both men and women provide a sensitisation platform for people to share experiences related GBV and remedies so as to solicit support from fellow community members.

Reading this article may make you want to change the world (if you don’t already).

Keywords- Gender Based Violence, Cause, Effect, And  Efforts.

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How to Cite

Dr. Priyanka Gaur. (2023). Gender Based Violence: Cause, Effect, And Efforts . Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 2(09), 60–75. Retrieved from



Research Paper