Gender Based Violence and Human Dignity (an evaluation in context of India)
This paper highlights the meaning, definition, extent and nature of gender based violence and its consequences. It will also try to examine the limitations of present laws to protect the violation of such human rights on the basis of gender inequality. Gender based violence is deeply rooted in the societies. There are no boundaries for its extension. Generally the sense of gender based violence (GBV) is considered as the violence against only women, which is not factually correct. The GBV and violence against women are different in their meaning. The gender based violence is refer to “any type of harm that is perpetrated against a person or group of people because of their factual or perceived sex, gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity.” It means violation of human rights of women, men, LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) and all such people falls within the sphere of gender based violence. Not only women but men can also be victim of such violence.
We lived in a male oriented society where women are deprived form power, men are in a better position in the society, so statistically the reported cases of gender based violence shows high bars for women. Worldwide 81,000 women killed in 2020, around 58% of them were killed by their own family members and partners, which means in every 11 min a women is killed by its own family. The stereotypical mind set of society, rejection of freedom and liberty, distinction and division of work, roles within the society on the basis of gender are some major causes of human rights violation and gender based violation. Gender based violence (GBV) is a global problem, exist in form of Physical, Sexual, Economic, Cultural, Ethnical, Psychological violence. “GBV is a term to refer harmful act or abuses perpetrated against a person’s will and rooted in a system of unequal power between men and women.”
It’s a biggest threat and denial of human dignity as well as “right of equality.”
Key Words :- Human Rights, Gender based violence, Women, Girls, Family, Domestic
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