Changing Environment And Sustainable Development
The industrial revolution marked a major turning point in Earth's ecology and human's relationship with their environment. The Industrial revolution dramatically changed every aspect of human life and life styles. The achievement of sustained and equitable development remains the greatest challenge facing the human race. There is growing need to explore the relationship between development and the environment. The environmental problems can and do undermine the goals of development. Strong environmental policies complement and reinforce development. It is often the poorest who suffer most, from the consequences of pollution and environmental degradation. Unlike the rich, the poor cannot afford to protect themselves from contaminated water, in cities they are more likely to spend much of their time on the streets, breathing polluted air, in rural areas they are more likely to cook on open fires of wood or dung, inhaling dangerous fumes; their lands are most likely to suffer from soil erosion. Policy reforms and institutional changes are required to bring about accelerated development and better environmental management. The obstacles are great. Nevertheless, the present time is unprecedented in its potential for change. We need to follow an energy efficient growth trajectory like catalyzing energy efficient problems, providing incentives for selling environment friendly products, scale up the addition of renewable energy particularly solar energy, promote environmental friendly urbanization, strengthen governance for sustainable development at local, national and international levels. At international level there is both a need and scope for regional and global cooperation in sustainable development.
Keywords- Changing Environment, Sustainable Development. Environment Issues and Policies.
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