The Case For Education For Sustainable Development: A Matter Of Urgency
Being human being we always attempt to achieve the quality in our lives. For this we opt the path of development. While maintaining the quality of life we try to remove the problems which are barriers to achieving this In the process of removal of one problem the other problems have created due to the opting mean as development So, we should opt the path of development as mean to achieve the quality of life but this path or mean should be stainable only then the created problems can be minimized No doubt we have achieved much more through developmental process, but we have also lost our resources (generally) too. Not only our consumer behavior is much more responsible for such type of accident but also the technology and institutions have encouraged u. The problem has become so intractable that now the path of development adopted does not seem appropriate The alarm bell has rung Now this is time of urgency to opt the path of sustainable development UN has established 17 development goals (SDGs) and has asked and encouraging the countries to achieve these goals through policy making. Also, UN has recognized the Education as a powerful mean through which the countries can achieve these sustainable development goals (SDGs) Chapter 36 of Agenda 21 (adopted by UN in Rio Summit, 1992) describes how education can contribute for sustainable development. Later the concept of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) was emerged and UN directed to UNESCO 10 take responsibility for implementing the concept of ESD for the betterment of Quality of Life.
Keywords: Quality of life, development, sustainable development, education for sustainable development.
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