Role Of Police In Physical Domestic Violence


  • Dr. Sohinee Devi


   Police is an integral and important component of criminal justice administration. They constitute the first line of defense and their functions are no less important than those relating to the defense of the country from external aggression. They are the most visible organization vested with responsibilities in respect of crime prevention and control and other related problems of internal law and order situation. The role of the police in providing immediate protection to the victim is central to the issue of domestic violence. After independence and with the advent of democratic rule in the country, the role of police has acquired new dimensions and objectives. It is no longer limited to the role envisaged by the Police Act. The socio-legal, economic and political changes that have taken place in the last five decades after independence have created new pressures and tensions in the society. Many methods and techniques that were sufficient yesterday are perfect today. However, the police are often criticized for lack of intervention. The purpose of this study is to explore how police officers view and describe their role in responding to physical domestic violence.

Keywords:-  Domestic violence, Human rights, Role, Police and Women.

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How to Cite

Dr. Sohinee Devi. (2023). Role Of Police In Physical Domestic Violence. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 2, 11–15. Retrieved from