Women And Empowerment : Conceptual Enquiry


  • Dr. Rashmi Srivastava


Women's sense of self-worth was positioned as the primary anchor of empowerment. The study of self-worth in the context of empowerment resembled the opening of a Pandora's box in terms of issues about both the theoretical parameters of the concept as well as its empirical assessment. Several questions came to the fore repeatedly, what is self-worth for Indian women, how is it operationalized, and is there a concept of self prevalent at all in the Indian psyche especially in Indian women's psyche? In the Indian context, one can focus on the empowerment of women without involving their families.

Keywords- Indian women's, Women And Empowerment, Conceptual Enquiry.

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How to Cite

Dr. Rashmi Srivastava. (2023). Women And Empowerment : Conceptual Enquiry. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 2, 62–66. Retrieved from https://journal.ijarps.org/index.php/IJARPS/article/view/241