Role of Teachers in Prevention of Domestic Violence against women in India
Family violence, specifically domestic violence, has been identified by the medical community as a serious, no remitting epidemic with adverse health consequences. World Health Organization(WHO) has stated that violence against women is a priority issue in the fields of health and human rights. This article examines how domestic violence impacts the lives and education of young children, children, and young people and how they can be supported within the education system. Schools are often the service in closest and longest contact with a child living with domestic violence; teachers can play a vital role in helping families access welfare services. Teachers hold the key to preventing violence against girls in and around schools and need more support to keep children safe, writes Plan International’s Leila Asrari. So teachers are very much bound up in the problem but they can also be a huge part of the solution. They can be allies in stopping this abuse. Schools are perfectly positioned to create an environment of non-violence, tolerance and gender equality and teachers have a central role to play in this transformation, through their own actions and through the materials they teach. This paper presents all the possible ways a teacher can help in preventing violence among women.
Keywords- Indian Family, Role of Teachers, Domestic Violence, women in India
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