Specific learning disabilities of learner: types, characteristics and symptoms
The co ncept of learning disability has not been newly discovered. Learning disability refers to a disorder in one or more cognitive or psychological functioning of a child. In this article, the researcher has tried to cover the basic concept of learning disability along with its types. This article also covers major symptoms of learning-disabled children. Additionally, it also includes possible common causes of learning disability.
Key word:- Learning disability, types and causes.
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How to Cite
Vipin Singh1 & Prof. (Dr.) Deepti Johri2. (2024). Specific learning disabilities of learner: types, characteristics and symptoms. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 3(10), 138–142. Retrieved from https://journal.ijarps.org/index.php/IJARPS/article/view/432
Research Paper
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