Sustainable Living Through India’s Traditional Practices, Lifestyle and Cultural Wisdom
Indian tradition and lifestyle promote sustainability through a deep-rooted ethos of living in harmony with nature and embracing practices that prioritize environmental conservation. Traditional Indian practices, such as worship of Peepal, Bargad Tulsi, Neem as sacred trees, conservation of sacred groves and species by tribals and age-old sustainable agriculture techniques like mixed farming, use of cow dung manure, shifting cultivation, bamboo drip irrigation and step-wells, showed a strong relationship between ancient indian traditions and environmental sustainability. Sustainability has always been a central element of Indian culture and lifestyle. Indian philosophy and values have underscored a sustainable way of life. The paper discusses how ancient rainwater harvesting and irrigation practices offer inspiration and guidance for sustainable water management. Study suggests increased cultivation of sustainable crops like millets, pseudo millets, pulses to combat drought stress and meet nutritional requirements of increasing population. Food practices like fresh food preparation each time, use of natural crockery like banana leaves plates, pattal plates made up of sal, dhak or peepal leaves save the environment from using soaps and detergents used in washing dishes. Textile recycling, mindful use of natural resources, eco-friendly housing designs of India's traditional wisdom offers valuable lessons on responsible consumption, resourcefulness, and respect for nature. There is a need to take inspiration from centuries-old sustainable practices and integrate them into modern lifestyles. By reviving traditional eco-friendly practices India can lead on the way for a more sustainable future that honors its rich cultural heritage while addressing current environmental concerns.
Key Words: Traditional Indian practices (TIP), Sustainability, Indian Culture, Environment.
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