Deforestation: Causes, Consequences and Possible Solutions
Forests are vital terrestrial carbon sinks which play a crucial role in mitigating emissions of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases. They also furnish a wide range of ecosystem goods and services, including livelihood security, socio-economic development, ecosystem functioning, carbon cycling, biodiversity preservation, nutrient cycling, and climate regulation. However, forest degradation has been accelerated by factors such as huge and uncontrolled population growth, land-use changes for agriculture, industry, urbanization, and improper forest management. Shifting cultivation, a traditional land-use practice, is another significant driver of tropical forest degradation. The loss and degradation of forests activates a cascade of environmental changes, severely reducing essential provisioning services and impacting biodiversity locally and globally. The primary drivers of human-induced deforestation and large-scale habitat loss include unsustainable agricultural practices, industrial expansion, urbanization, and poor forest management. To educate people to the alarming effects of deforestation and habitat loss, a simple and practical solution lies in environmental education. Educating individuals about the importance of preserving natural forests and promoting reforestation and afforestation efforts where needed is essential. Implementation of environmental education serves as a powerful tool to counteract deliberate human actions and foster the protection and restoration of earth's natural ecosystems. This paper focuses on the causes of deforestation, its effects and possible solution to mitigate its effects on environment and how to replenish greenery on our earth.
Keywords- Biodiversity, Deforestation, Reforestation, Forest Degradation
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