The Evolution of Humanity and Self- discovery through the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo


  • Dr. Meghna Singh1


                The profound vision of Aurobindo which is, amalgamation of universe and all the cosmic divine energy of nature; transcends the boundaries of terrestrial realm to reach the supraterrestrial stage. All the five elements vayu, agni, jal, prithvi, nabh together generate a super power to manifest the supramental divine energy transforming the whole world. The journey of self from the very nature towards superconscient state of the Ultimate attainment is experienced upon earth. In study of the ideal, the Integral Yoga of Aurobindo emphasizes on evolution, focusing on unification of the world order with the Absolute. This unity facilitates the descent of the Supermind, which can transform mental, vital, and physical dimensions of life. The paper is an endeavour to throw light on the Integral Yoga of Aurobindo which aims to create a new center of activity within individuals, promoting a superhuman nature. A distinctive aspect of Aurobindo’s approach is the transformation of material into a higher state through synthesis of yoga and gnostic self-perfection. Initially, the being experiences life through ignorance, characterized by pleasure and pain, gain and loss. This state inevitably leads to a deeper evolution towards self-discovery, revealing the divinity within earthly existence and the true potential of mind, which is a reflection of the Supermind. The path of knowledge, action and devotion is the triple power incorporated in the Integral Yoga for manifestation of the involved spirit in matter for evolution. The Supermind exists beyond nescience and strengthens our current evolutionary state. From this point, our nature seeks to attain both self-knowledge and knowledge of the world, aiming to understand the purpose of existence. As the embodiment of truth-consciousness, the Supermind possesses inherent knowledge and has a direct path towards the Infinite goal. The urge inherently present in the core of nature inspires humanity for the divine-attainment.

Keywords- Integral Yoga, Evolution, Supramental, Supermind, Transformation.

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How to Cite

Dr. Meghna Singh1. (2025). The Evolution of Humanity and Self- discovery through the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 4(02), 14–19. Retrieved from



Research Paper