Curriculum And Teaching Methods In Different Ideas


  • Dr. Sarvesh Yadav


  Curriculum and Teaching methods of education depend on the use of principles and pragmatist. According to Shankaracharya, the curriculum of education should include the knowledge and activities related to practical and spiritual aspects of man. Jain philosophy has included language, grammar, mathematics, physical science, statics, vacuum science. Buddhism has included moral life, exercise, language, ayurveda, surgery, agriculture, animal husbandry. Idealism has included language, literature, history, geography, mathematics and physical science. Realism has included vocational education. Naturalism has included sports and games, swimming, riding and handicrafts. Pragmatism has included principle of utility, principle of interest, principle of activity and experience. Teaching methods in Vedanta Darshan and nigaman, aagman, shrawan Manan nidhidhyasan etc. Teaching methods in Jainism experience by senses method, experimental method, hearing method and self study method. Teaching methods in Buddhism are self study, meditation and contemplation methods etc. Teaching methods in idealism are dialogue methods, dielectric methods, discovery methods and self study methods etc. Teaching methods in realism are correlation method, excursion method, and audio visual AIDS methods. Naturalism emphasis on oral teaching methods. Pragmatic emphasis on project methods.

Keywords:-  Curriculum design, Teaching methods, Pedagogical approaches, Learning theories,  Instructional strategies

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How to Cite

Dr. Sarvesh Yadav. (2024). Curriculum And Teaching Methods In Different Ideas. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 3(07), 59–67. Retrieved from



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