E-Learning In Science Education: Opportunities And Challenges


  • Dr. Sunita Rawat


   E-learning has become an increasingly popular way of delivering educational content in the field of science education. There is now a wide variety of online courses, virtual laboratories, and other digital resources available to support learners in the sciences. These resources offer advantages such as flexibility, accessibility, and the ability to offer personalized learning experiences for students with diverse needs. However, the adoption of e-learning in science education also brings challenges, such as the need for technological infrastructure and resources, the lack of face-to-face interaction between students and teachers, and the difficulty of providing hands-on laboratory experiences in a virtual setting. Despite these challenges, e-learning in science education has great potential for improving the quality of education and preparing students for careers in science and technology. Educators and policymakers must work together to address the challenges and make the most of e-learning's potential so that all students can benefit from high-quality science education in the digital age. This paper examines the current state of e-learning in science education, considering the advantages it offers as well as the challenges it poses for educators and students.

Keywords- E-Learning,  Science Education,  digital resources, Opportunities And Challenges.

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How to Cite

Dr. Sunita Rawat. (2023). E-Learning In Science Education: Opportunities And Challenges. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 2(07), 1–7. Retrieved from https://journal.ijarps.org/index.php/IJARPS/article/view/73



Research Paper