Socio-Political, Economic and Educational challenges for marginalized people in India
This paper is describing the socio economic and educational condition of marginalized society of India. Ther were faced severe hated untouchability system. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and some other backward groups come under the constitutionally weaker or Dalit category. It includes the resourceless section of the society. People, who could not get the minimum basic needs for f their lives. They were unable to afford food, clothing, housing, and medical facilities and have extraordinarily little income. A person who is depends only on daily wages. Those who do not even have enough capital to buy raw materials and other manufactured goods. People, who live on human energy in which only family members work on animal energy,. They are deprived of facilities. The above criteria are included in the category of weaker sections. Due to these criteria, Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, Backward Classes, Small and Marginal Farmers, Landless Labourers, Bonded Labourers and Traditional Artisans have been considered as weaker sections. When we talk about online education for weaker sections it is very touch also because they have not proper aminities.
Keywords- Marginalized people, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Weaker Sections, Social Status caste Discirmination, Traditional.
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