A Study Of Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students, Studying Through Regular & Open Mode In Relation To Problem Solving


  • Vijay Kumar Tyagi , Dr.Surendra Pal


     Academic achievement is the indication of the entire educational growth & development of cognitive, affective & psychomotor domains of the students’ personality. The present study has been carried out to know the relation between the academic achievement & problem solving ability of the secondary students studying through regular and open mode. The researcher tried his best to know the relation between problem solving ability & the academic achievement of the secondary students. The descriptive survey method was followed to carry out this research. The sample of 500 students studying in 10th class of CBSE and National open schools was selected through random sampling method.  The marks obtained by the students in 10th class were considered as the academic achievement of the students. Mean, SD, t test and correlation were applied for data analysis. The findings of this research reveals that there is positive moderate relation between the academic achievement & problem solving ability of  the secondary students studying through regular as well as open mode. Through this study, it was also revealed that there is significance difference between the academic achievement and problem solving ability of the secondary students studying through regular and open mode.

Keywords- Academic Achievement, Problem Solving Ability, Open Education, Regular Education.

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How to Cite

Vijay Kumar Tyagi , Dr.Surendra Pal. (2022). A Study Of Academic Achievement Of Secondary School Students, Studying Through Regular & Open Mode In Relation To Problem Solving. Ldealistic Journal of Advanced Research in Progressive Spectrums (IJARPS) eISSN– 2583-6986, 1(12), 16–24. Retrieved from https://journal.ijarps.org/index.php/IJARPS/article/view/85



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